Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Delvin Cloneygapple Clonagapple Delvin
Delvin Clonyn Clonyn Delvin Delvin Castletowndelvin Castletowndelvin
Delvin Delvin Delvin Delvin
Delvin Delvin (Barony) Delvin Town Delvin
Delvin Dungarstown Dunganstown Great Delvin
Delvin Killadoughran Killadoughran Delvin Delvin Castletowndelvin Castletowndelvin
Delvin Mooretown Mooretown Delvin Delvin Castletowndelvin Castletowndelvin
Delvin Moyleroe Big Moyleroe Big Delvin Delvin Castletowndelvin Castletowndelvin
Delvin Moyleroe Little Moyleroe Little Delvin Delvin Castletowndelvin Castletowndelvin
Delvin Mullagheroy Mullaghcroy Delvin Delvin Castletowndelvin Castletowndelvin
Delvin Printinstown Printinstown Delvin Delvin Castletowndelvin Castletowndelvin